FAW Analysis Business Consulting

Email: Consulting@fawabc.com Phone: 651-560-0038

Businesses we serve

We love working with specialty trades from Contractors, HVAC, Plumbing, etc. Small family businesses that are looking to gain modern advantages. If you are looking to optimize your business core functions, we are here to help.


Knowledge Transfer

Does your organization have any of the following:

  • Employee Retiring

  • Employee Resigning

  • Creating a New Position

  • Employee getting a Promotion

If, you answered yes to any of the above, What is your Knowledge Transfer Plan to ensure key role responsibilities are not missed? Decades of on the job experience is not lost? Clear and defined expectations are achieved?


What data are you able to get from your accounting team? Are you able to make growth decisions on the reporting and data you are getting? Do you have a monthly close process you are confident in to get you accurate data?


Is the software you are using providing the ROI you anticipated? Does it integrate with your other business core software? The hardware you have now, is it going to get you through the challenges of tomorrow?


Do you have the right systems in place to achieve optimal quality and performance? Are your teams as cohesive and operating as efficiently as they should be? We are Six Sigma Certified and can help you reach your operations goals.